As part of a review of education in Hungerford the Conservative administration will be bringing forward a plan for significant investment - both capital and revenue - that will allow the local school to reach the next stage on their journey towards educational excellence.
Conservative Group Leader Gordon Lundie said, "The school made great progress under the previous Head and I have been very impressed by Mrs Brinkley since she joined last year. We want to ensure that her senior team has what they need to be successful. We are in the process of agreeing a new budget for the school that will allow it over time to aim to achieve "Outstanding" OFSTED status and ensure that every parent can have the confidence their local school will deliver for their child."
"We need to see an improvement in pupil numbers as this prevents the School setting the budget they need to continue making progress. I met recently with the school management team and agreed to ask the West Berkshire Conservative Group to endorse the requirement to fund this recovery budget, thereby giving the school the momentum it needs to become self sustaining."
The school's proposals will be examined by oficers and they will then be set out in the Council's formal decision making process in the coming weeks.