Richard Benyon has today called upon businesses in West Berkshire to become dementia friendly.
Following the Prime Minister’s challenge to support people with dementia at a local level through developing dementia friendly communities, West Berkshire Council commissioned the Alzheimer’s Society to deliver this project in Newbury and as a result Newbury Dementia Action Alliance (Newbury DAA) has been formed.
The Alliance will see a group of local stakeholders work together to improve the lives of people with dementia and their carers.
Richard said, “1 in 3 people over the age of 65 will develop dementia during their lifetime and in less than 10 years time, over 1 million people in the UK will be living with the condition. I call upon all local businesses to show their support by becoming members of the Newbury DAA.”
He continued, “It is entirely right that people with dementia wish to remain independent and play an active role in society and I wish to pay tribute to Sue for all the work she is doing to raise awareness and promote understanding in our community.”
For more information on how your business can be involved in working towards a dementia friendly community in Newbury, contact Sue Butterworth on 07717 343048 or e-mail [email protected].