The Association's Annual General Meeting for 2013 was held on Friday 14th March in West Berkshire Council Chamber at their Market Street offices. 40 members were addressed by Richard Benyon, MP, Daniel Hannan, MEP and Council Leader Gordon Lundie. During proceedings, elections of officers for the 2014/15 were held with the following results:
Dudley Fishburn President
Sir Nigel Burney Chairman
Will Whinfrey Deputy Chairman (Political and Campaigning)
Charles Egerton Deputy Chairman (Membership and Fundraising
Robert Carter Shaw Honorary Treasurer
Jeff Beck stood down as Deputy Chairman (Political and Campaigning) after many years of hard work on the Association's Committee. Sir Nigel Burney thanked Jeff for all his efforts and presented him with a token of the Association's gratitude
The Pratt Cup, awarded each year to the branch that raises the most money, was presented againt to Hungerford.