I am so grateful for your continued support for the Party in West Berkshire.
We occasionally need to remind ourselves that we did not win the last election. Forming a coalition was always going to be a second best result for us but I firmly think it was the right thing to do. Despite the complications of sharing Government with the Liberal Democrats we are achieving changes that are improving the lives of millions. Paying off a large chunk of the deficit is an achievement at a time of plunging economic fortunes in Europe. Alongside this, we have radically reformed our education and welfare systems. These are massive transformational changes that will improve our competitiveness as a country and make our Government more affordable, and fairer. No longer will I, as an MP, have people in my surgeries who tell me that the system incentivises them to stay in welfare rather than to find work. We are exporting more, getting more new private sector jobs and seeing many more businesses starting up.
I am not going to insult you by pretending that it has been all plain sailing. Coalition Government requires compromise. Mistakes have been made. Difficult choices have been made that have disappointed some of our key supporters.
From my position in the Government I see how we are changing the wasteful ways of the past. In my Department, we have reduced spending by around 30% but increased support for rural Britain. For example, we are rolling out super-fast broadband and mobile telephone coverage to nearly all rural communities. Nothing could be more of a boost for the rural economy.
It is good that, as Conservatives, we are tough on ourselves and are demanding of our MPs, Ministers and Councillors to do more and to do it sooner. We must all pull together for the fight of our lives in 2015. We need a fully Conservative Government for the future.
Again, thank you for your continued support. I will continue to try my hardest to be worthy of it.
Yours sincerely