Conservative Members of West Berkshire Council are recommending action is taken following concerns about insensitve parking in Hungerford. Conservative Ward Member, Paul Hewer first raised the matter with the Highways Department as soon as the matter was mentioned to him and is hopeful that a local solution can now be found.
Deputy Conservative Group Leader Cllr. Pamela Bale explained "Local Councillors are aware of the issue of pavement parking, and the concerns expressed by residents of the Town. We are seeking legally enforceable parking restrictions that could be enforced by Council officers.
Statutory consultation notices have already been advertised so that residents can comment. This consultation will end on 15th August. Subject to receiving a favourable response, we would hope to see the Council implement the restrictions later this year."
"There is an anomaly, in that zig zag lines on either side of a pedestrian crossing to prevent parking, do not apply to the pavement in the same way as double yellow lines apply to the carriageway, pavement and verge."
"I shall be writing to our MP, Richard Benyon asking him formally to take this up with the Department of Transport with the aim of instigating a review of the legislation regarding such restrictions."