This morning Richard Benyon visited Trinity School to speak with the sixth form and to visit the ACE unit, which specialises in aiding pupils with dyslexia and learning difficulties.
The students raised local concerns including the price of train fares, future career prospects and the recent flooding.
Of his visit Richard said, “I always enjoy these events and I was impressed with the quality of questioning.”
He continued, “I was thoroughly impressed with the ACE unit. It is clear that the staff hold a real passion for their work and it was excellent to talk to the students, who are making real progress. My visit is timely as I am holding an event in Parliament next week on behalf of the Dyslexia Sp-LD Trust, which aims to brief politicians ahead of the implementation of SEN reforms, later this year.”
The ACE (ACcelerated Education) Unit is a fully funded dyslexia unit supported by the Local Education Authority (LEA).