Richard Benyon has championed the Brushing for Life initiative at its launch at Thatcham’s Children’s Centre, this morning.
Richard said: “I am delighted to support this initiative. It will provide a solid foundation for good oral health, encompassing themes of brushing, a low sugar diet and encouraging attendance at the dentist, which is so important.”
Richard continued: “The problem of poor dental health impacts in far wider ways than the obvious. Sleeplessness and time out of education to receive treatment, are but two examples. The Local Authority’s new Health and Well Being Team are to be commended for this project.”
Richard was joined by Marcus Franks, Executive Portfolio Holder for Health and Well Being, Pip Dhariwal of the Berkshire Dental Committee, Dr Paul Batchelor of Public Health England and Lesley Wyman, Public Health lead at West Berkshire Council.