Following the launch of West Berkshire Council’s Housing Site Allocations Development Plan, which is now out for consultation, Member of Parliament, Richard Benyon, has moved to ensure concerned residents make their views known.
Richard said: “I would underline that this process is at consultation phase and as such no decisions have yet been taken. All those who may be effected should respond to the council’s consultation and make their views known.”
He continued: “Many constituents have been in touch regarding a number of sites, situated all over the Newbury constituency. Planning matters are the responsibility of local government and MPs have no direct responsibility for planning decisions. However, I am following this consultation very closely and am grateful for the concerns that have been raised with me.”
He concluded by stating: “I remain in close contact with relevant ward councillors and West Berkshire Council’s Planning Department, both of whom are keeping me informed.”
The consultation is due to close on Friday 12 September 2014.
Following previously successful open surgeries in Newbury and Thatcham, Richard will be hosting the following for constituents, who wish to make their views known or may require help with a particular issue(s).
TESCO Hungerford – 16 September 2014 – 09:00-11:00
Graham Jones Pharmacy, Lambourn – 19 September 2014 – 13:00-15:00
Waitrose Newbury – 10 October 2014 – 10:00-12:00